WebTest - computer based assessment

WebTest is free web application for computer based assessment. On-line assessment (e-assessment) is new generation of assessment.

E-Learning, e-assessment

E-Learning is a term which describes learning by using comuters and internet for learning. But important part of learning is testing. For that purpose you can use WebTest.

WebTest - preferences

  • Admin interface, interface for creating assessments and interface for students
  • For exam types
         - Exam type 'Choose one option' - user can select one option as correct answer
         - Exam type 'Choose few options' - user can select few options as correct answer
         - Exam type 'Connect pairs' - user connect pairs to give answer
         - Exam type 'Update text' - user update missing words in text
  • Define custom criterion
  • Define custom time limit
  • Print results
  • And much more

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Video presentation